O’Fallon Partners with SIUE for the Start-Up Challenge
Dreams Are Built. Let Us Help You Get Started.
$20,000 Cash Prize for Area Entrepreneurs
O’Fallon Partners with SIUE for the Start-Up Challenge
Dreams Are Built. Let Us Help You Get Started.
$20,000 Cash Prize for Area Entrepreneurs

What’s the hardest part about reaching your goals? Answer: Getting started.
The City of O’Fallon is a proud sponsor of this year’s SIUE Metro East Start Up Challenge. Through the challenge, the area’s most talented entrepreneurs have a chance at securing start-up financing and priceless business services.
The City of O’Fallon is a huge supporter of small businesses and start-ups. We know you have dreams, we’ll help you build them.
The Challenge is a $20,000 cash prize business plan competition to identify, encourage, and reward excellence in entrepreneurship in the St. Louis Metro East region. The SIUE School of Business and Illinois Metro East Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are facilitating the competition.
The purpose of the challenge is to:
- Increase the Metro East region’s interest in and excitement for business start-ups through a competitive process;
- Identify “growth-oriented” start-ups with plans to operate in the nine-county St. Louis Metro East region;
- Generate a greater awareness of network services/resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners; and
- To advance the academic mission of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville by strengthening relationships with private enterprise and expanding opportunities for both students and faculty.
The first place winner will receive a $10,000 cash prize accompanied by an array of in-kind professional services. Second and Third Place winners will receive a $6,000 cash prize and $4,000 cash prize, respectively, along with many in-kind professional services.
Want to know more about the challenge or sign up to compete? Click Here.